Ten Rules to Success

Ten Rules to Success

These Are the Rules, ten rules for a fulfilling, meaningful, and satisfying life. These rules are easy to follow, practical, and, most of all, do not require you to have a million dollar in the bank to start. So, with this short introduction out of the way, here are the ten rules for a fulfilling life.

Ten Rules to Success, Ten rules for a fulfilling, meaningful, and satisfying life, Definition of Success, SelfTrust, Goals, Stepping Stones, Actions Affect, Opportunities etc.

Rule # 1: Each Person Has His Own Definition of Success

I like this idea. I don’t have to be a Donald Trump or an Oprah Winfrey to claim success. Cherrie Carter Scott believes that the “true essence of success, beneath the visible markers and goals, lies in your own personal sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.”

Rule # 2: Wanting Success Is the First Step Toward Attaining It

Success begins with a dream. It is conceive in one’s desire. This desire then turns into an unbending intention that perseveres in the face of insurmountable odds.

Rule # 3: Self-Trust is Essential

“Self-trust is needed not only to guide you to your authentic path; it is needed to keep you there when the road gets bumpy. It is needed when inner doubts arise along the way, when others think you are “crazy” for wanting what you want or doing what you do, when you want to make tough choices, and when you encounter trials and obstacles.”

Rule # 4: Goals Are the Stepping-Stones on Your Path

What’s the difference between visions and goals? Visions are general, broad, and long-term oriented that form as the framework for someone’s goals. Goals are objectives that are specific and measurable.To distinguish between a vision and a goal, Cherie Carte-Scott uses several examples in her book. One of these examples is the vision of getting in shape. To weigh 175 pounds, be firm and fit by June 15 is the goal.

Rule # 5: Your Actions Affect Your Outcomes

To reap, one must plant. Our world revolves around the principle of cause and effect, action and reaction, stimulus and response, planting and reaping, etc. Both are mutually dependent upon each other.Success and happiness are not coincidences. Rather, they are products of design and great effort. A person’s thoughts influence his actions. A person’s actions are formed into his habits. A person’s habits are fashioned into his character. And a person’s character determines his fate and destiny.

Rule # 6: Opportunities Will Be Presented

Opportunities are forks in one’s path. How we choose them determines, to a greater extent, our failure or success. Everyday, each one of us on this planet is presented with an opportunity. We must choose wisely, act fearlessly, and pursue each opportunity valiantly.

Rule # 7: Each Setback Provides Valuable Lessons

“The wise learns from his mistakes,” so says an old proverb. Life is not a bed of roses. As one pursues success, wealth, and fame, setbacks are inevitable. Setbacks are not bad; they are good. Setbacks allow us to reexamine our mode of operation, thus, helping us to improve it, and making us better persons in the process.

Rule # 8: Managing Your Resources Maximizes Your Efforts

Everyone is a steward, a manager, a caretaker. In terms of time, each one is given exactly 24 hours per day to manage. In terms of abilities, each one is given a certain ability to improve upon, and multiply. In terms of resources, the world is an open opportunity to be explored.
What’s the difference between those who succeeded and those who failed?
Management! Success does not entail being born with a silver spoon in the mouth; although having a silver spoon is an advantage. Majority of successful people were not born with silver spoons. With their meager resources, they managed to multiply it by discipline and hard work.

Rule # 9: Every Level of Success Brings New Challenges

Rule # 9 reminds me our graduation exercises speaker twenty years ago when he said, “every commencement ceremony is the closing of one door and the opening of another with its new set of opportunity, frustration, and challenges.”
Looking back twenty years, I can undoubtedly say that the man was right on the money. Whether poor or rich, there is an inherent challenge that comes with it.

Rule # 10: Success Is a Process That Never Ends

I thought I am done; I am not. If there is one thing that needs to be recycled more often, success must take  pre-imminence. Not only because success begets success, but because success feels good. It becomes addictive, which, by the way, is a good addiction.
In success, the sky is the limit. So dream it. Work on it with unbending zeal. Seize every opportunity. 
Learn from your mistakes. Trust yourself. And savor every bit of it along the way.

One Minute Manager

One Minute Manager

The One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson

 The One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson


The One Minute Manager reveals three secrets to productive and efficient managing as told through a young man’s search for the perfect managing and leading skills. The One Minute Manager is focused on, not surprisingly, a one minute manager. The man is a venerable leader that is highly spoken of by his employees, his three secrets being the key to his success.

The first secret is One Minute Goals. 

This involves a meeting of the manager and the employee where goals are agreed on, written down in a brief statement, and occasionally reviewed to ensure that productivity is occurring. This whole process takes a “minute”, which truly means it is a quick meeting, however it is not limited to just sixty seconds. The purpose of one minute goal setting is to confirm that responsibilities of each working is understood, understanding that confusion leads to inefficiency and discouragement.

The second secret to one minute managing is one minute praisings. 

This involves being open with people about their performance. When you catch someone doing something right, a goal of the one minute manager, you praise them immediately, telling them specifically what they did correctly. Pause to allow them to “feel” how good you feel regarding their importance to the organization, and finish by shaking hands.

The third secret is the one minute reprimand. 

Being honest with those around you involves reprimanding when a wrong has occurred. The first step is to reprimand immediately and specifically. This is the same as the second secret, and it holds an important aspect of the first secret: it enables an 
understanding of responsibilities and how to complete them correctly. Following the reprimand, shake hands and remind the person that he or she is important and it was simply their performance that you did not like. The one minute reprimand consists of the reprimand and the reassurance, both being equally important. If you leave the latter out, you will not be liked by those around you and they will attribute mistakes to them being worth less, which is far from the truth.


The One Minute Manager is a quick read that emphasizes key points throughout. The message is clear, and implementing the ideas is straight-forward and laid out in the book. This makes it simple to utilize the knowledge and techniques that the one minute manager style offers. Due to these factors, I find The One Minute Manager an effective tool for developing leadership.

Get Organized for your Success

Get Organized for your Success

Success is in your hands!

You may have heard this before, but it is so true, here is what you need to reach success:


Are you passionate about what you do? Do you find yourself wanting to get out there and sharing what you have with others?


Your attitude is very important in your success. How can you succeed if you start out with a mind set of failing? Believe in yourself first! You can make it happen!


Success takes time! Don’t give up so quickly. Trump did not become a billionaire overnight. He had failures and set backs. Give yourself, and your business, time!


How easily are you going to give up? It is easy to quit when someone says “no”, but those who success brush it off as a temporary setback.


Again, you won’t succeed if you don’t try, try and try again.


One reason so many fail is because they forget to follow-up. This also falls into Persistance. Don’t give up so easily.


Get rid of it! When someone says “no”, it’s not about you. Your ego can get in the way in your success. Often we think everything is because of us. Often a “no” has a reason that has nothing to do with you. Another way your “ego” can get in the way is when you begin to succeed. If you focus on “you” instead of your team and customers, you will watch your business slide.


Can you picture yourself successful? Do you know what you want to do? Create a vision and keep it in front of you at all times!
Take all the above into consideration when working towards success! You can, and WILL, achieve it!


Set your GOALS:

  • Personal Goals
  • Business Goals
  • Short term Goals
  • Long term Goals
  • Sales goals
  • What do you want to accomplish in a time frame?
  • New initiatives of change
  • Recruiting/team building goals
  • Business building goals
  • etc…

Simple Ways to Challenge Yourself Physically and Mentally

Simple Ways to Challenge Yourself Physically and Mentally

Challenge Yourself Physically and Mentally by Performimg these Simple steps“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.”

I personally believe, Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. They’re what make the instrument stretch-what make you go beyond the norm. One should know that, human mind loves to be pushed to it’s limits. It love to work extremely hard to resolve an issue. The human mind thrives under pressure. It anticipates that which we never even knew would or had occurred. The human brain is an incredible work of art and providing it with simple challenges will keep it fresh and alive.

Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It’s OK to fail. If you’re not failing, you’re not growing. The reason why we are discussing ways to challenge your mind is because simplifying one’s life, from the chaotic state it may currently be in, takes a lot of thought process. To simplifying the many factors in our lives we must anticipate the challenges to change, counter the pull of the former unwanted lifestyle, and develop new habits that assist in the simplifcation of our day to day lives. By no means is this easy. However, by having a mind that is capable of challenging itself frequently, the daily simplifying process is made easier.

Here are few Simple Ways to Challenge Yourself Today…

Perform Balance and Coordination Exercises.

Physical fitness is extremely important to the mind and the body’s capability of continued strain in other situations. Try some from this non-affiliate link…click here.

Begin Learning a new language.

You may uncover a new interest for intercultural relations and your left temporal lobe will love you.

Learn a New Trick.

Get different, unused parts of your brain thinking by learning a short trick. Here are two of my favorites both by Tim Ferriss… pen trick and fork.

Sit Still and Breathe.

Relax your mind for 10 minutes so it can regain it’s strength. Sit with eyes closed and in silence. This may be tougher than you think.

Break A Routine.

If you always write or eat with your left hand, start doing it with the other. Simple, tough and effective.

Buy a Rubix Cube.

This will be frustrating and fun. If this is too difficult, check out other mind challenging games in the toy section of a local department store to enjoy this mind challenge.

Hopefully, these tips and tricks to challenge your mind will lead to a more productive and useful brain.

“Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.”

Workplace Motivation

Workplace Motivation

Workplace motivation is one of the most important aspects of good management. It may be a complex, frustrating issue, but unless it is understood, and managed effectively, few organizations will flourish.

Some writers think that most employees are naturally pre-disposed to enthusiasm for their work, demonstrating an inherent preference for engagement and achievement.
Ironically, it can be managers themselves who dampen this ardour, through either poor management or a lack of understanding of what workplace motivation is all about.
Two quotes make this point rather succinctly:
  • “Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get their jobs done.”(Peter Drucker);
  • “The key question is not how to motivate employees, but how to sustain – and prevent management from destroying – the motivation that employees naturally bring to their jobs.”(David Sirota, et al).

Required to Be a Great Project Manager

Soft Skills Required to Be a Great Project Manager

What do soft skills mean to you?

Communion skills, leadership skills, Negotiation skills, presentation skills etc…

The soft skills are so important to the success of a project that soft skills are the first thing I look for in a project manager. I know that a huge majority of those hiring project managers look at the hard skills first. Specifically, they require that most are certified as a Project Management Professional(PMP) by the Project Management Institute (PMI) or some other recognized certification authority. My view is that the PMI requirements for certification as a PMP, only ensure that the potential project manager understands the tools that a project manager uses.

For a person to be a truly great project manager they must certainly understand the tools and how to use them – but I believe that is only 20% of the success equation.
A very important 20%, without a doubt, as it is the foundation that the project is built on, but still only 20%. In addition, most of all, they must have the right attitude and what I call ‘The Right Stuff’.
The ‘Right Stuff’ includes, among other things and in no particular order, the following:

– Enthusiasm

– They must be truly enthusiastic about their job and what they are doing. – Passion – They must be passionate not only about the project but also about being a project manager. Not just a project manager, however, but the best project manager they can be.

– Energy

– Project Management is sometimes a tiring job and they must have the energy required to hold up and stay fresh.

– Great inter-personal skills

– They need to know when to listen, when to talk and when to shut-up.

– Commitment to Excellence

– They must be committed to excellence. They must do what it takes to make their project excellent.

– Commitment to Success

– They must be committed to delivering their project and delivering it successfully.

– Sense of Humor

– They must see the humor in certain situations and not take themselves too seriously.

– The ability to motivate his/her team

– They are responsible for putting the environment in place that allows the persons natural motivation to come through.

– Self-motivation

– They must be able to motivate themselves. Recognize that action usually motivates.

– Excellent communication skills

– They need to be able to communicate both orally and in written form.

– Good negotiation skills

– They must know how to go for a win-win solution in all negotiation

– Honesty

– Honesty with their project team, their peers and their superiors. Especially when reporting on the health of the project.

– Approachability

– They must be available to their team members and also be the type of person that is easy to approach.
Having all of these Soft Skills are ideal. I’m pretty sure that most people don’t have all of them. In fact, I had a beautiful Italian woman on one of my courses say to me that if she found a man with all of these Soft Skills she would marry him. I told her that if I found a man with all these Soft Skills I would marry him also but my family would probably have something to say about that. I certainly would hire him, though, whether he had a PMP certification or not.

Secret to Success

Secret to Success

Secret is Asking and receiving, Visualizing, Changing focus, Being in control, Finding “how” to get to your “what”.

The Secrets and Keys of Success are very similar to gaining success. You start with the secret and then implement the rules.
The secret has to do with:
  1. Asking and receiving
  2. Visualizing what you want
  3. Changing your focus
  4. Being in control of your destiny
  5. Finding a “how” to get to your “what”
  6. Remember, you won’t get something for nothing. No matter how hard you try, wishing will not make you rich, it will not make you healthy and it will not make you happy. There is more to the secret then this.
You control your destiny. It’s that simple. Whatever you want, just go for it!  What you do today will affect your life tomorrow, next week, next month, next year….to infinity. If you do nothing, nothing will change.

The secret deals with the Laws of Attraction.

The Universal Law of Attraction is simply:
We attract what we give our attention to.
This includes both wanted and unwanted energy.
If you focus on failing a test and decide not to study, what happens? Chances are you attracted a low grade.
However, if you focus on passing and prepare ahead of time by studying, you attract a better grade.

How Can You Use This Information For Success?

1.) Attitude.

Without a change in attitude, you will continue to get the same thing. If you focus on the negative, you will obtain negative results.
Ex: You are calling to book a party but are focused on the fact the hostess will just say “no”. You decide to just make one phone call and if they say “yes” you’ll continue dialing. Chances are, your potential hostess will say “no”. You will come across as not caring and negative. Even if you call with “hopes” they say “yes”, you have already predetermined their answer.
Now you change your attitude and set a goal to make 10 calls that night. Even if the first one is “no” you promise to keep going. You energize yourself by smiling in the mirror, using your products, and hugging your children. Then you pick up the phone with energy and excitement. Your results are much higher since you changed your attitude.

2.) Commitment.  

It is one thing to say you want something. Without making a commitment to yourself and your project, it’s just like throwing a penny in a fountain and making a wish to win the lottery. Promise yourself you will do whatever it takes within your personal beliefs to make this happen. Commit to fulfilling your dreams

3.) Action.

Without action, step 1 and 2 will not take you to success.
This reminds me of a joke you have probably heard:
Moses kept praying to God to win the lottery. That week he found a dollar on the street and he donated it to charity to show God he is worthy. The lottery came and went and he didn’t win. So the next week he prayed again, “Please God, let me win the lottery.” He found an extra dollar in his wallet, and decided to donate it to charity. Again, the lottery came and went. The third week, he prayed harder “Oh wonderful God, I will feed the hungry and save the whales, just please let me win the lottery.” That week some strange man approached him on the streets and handed him a dollar and again Moses donated it to charity. The lottery numbers were drawn, and Moses did not win.
The next week Moses was ready to give up, he prayed again. “God, I have prayed and been good. Why have I not won the lottery?”  To his amazement, God spoke to him: “Moses, meet me half way. Go buy a ticket.”
Did you buy the lottery ticket or are you still just praying or using positive thinking?

4.) Don’t overwhelm yourself.

It is easy to focus on everything you want and go for it all at once. However, that is not the way to get there. Create a plan on what is most important and what will get you to your other dreams. Focus on one thing at a time.

5.) Set a deadline.

When do you want your success to happen? Though tomorrow would be awesome, the truth is success takes time. Look at your goals and set a realistic timeline to when you will accomplish it by. Set goals and map them out. Again, be in control of your destiny.

6.) Give to others and treat them with respect.

Treat others how you want them to treat you. This is very important because it can come back to haunt you. Many people call it karma. If you step all over others to get to success, when you need something in return, expect others to knock you down. When you are respectful of others and help them when they have a need, you build relationships that may help you in the future.
Those you talk to who find success using the secret tell you it works. However, with further questioning, you can see that they also changed the way they do things. They worked harder, stayed positive, and kept affirming what they want.
Every night before bed, focus on what you want. Then make a decision that when you wake you, you will do at least one thing to make it happen.

Be A Winner In Life

Be A Winner In Life

Plan, Strategy, Vision, Passion, Flexibility are needed to Be A Winner In LifeWinning isn’t everything, but the will, thought and effort you put in to win is everything that will give you happiness even if you lost.

It’s also said that when we are winning almost everything that happens can be claimed to be right and wise. But if we plan & do in with a strategy we increase the chances of Winning. I totally believe in this.
If you wish & desire “To be a winner in life”, one must be aware of the rules of the game and have a plan and proper strategy to approach it. This holds true for a whole range of situations as trivial as loosing weight, or getting a new job, and on more serious note, trying to adjust in a new relationship or just finding inner peace and tranquility (free from disturbances ).
We can prescribe certain success mantras which are common to the most successful people in the world and they are:
 -Make a strategy-Have a vision-Be passionate about your goals-Be truthful-Get in to action-Prioritise / Prioritize-Be a risk taker-Be Flexible-Create a nucleus-Be healthy both physically and mentally  

-Make a strategy

In today’s world Successful people have a clearly thought out  defined path way and consistent strategy to tackle any kind of issue or problem or situation. One should always know what one needs and when they need? 
Humans have become very forgetful these days and hence, It is often helpful to write it down so that you can stay on the chosen course and do not end up with an alternative that can take you away from your goal.

-Have a vision

Visualize the desired end of the efforts which is so called the vision. It is important to have a vision as it is this which keeps one motivated and sufficiently charged to get what one wants. The champions get what they want as they know what they want. They see it, feel it, and experience and rehearse it in their minds and hearts. One should be very clear as to what success means to you. Unless you know what it feels like or look like, you will not get there.

-Be passionate about your goals

Many people, in fact all of us have some desires which don’t really fulfill but if that is converted into a burning desire it is possible that it will be achieved. People having that burning desire and passion can do anything to fulfill their desires. People with passion are always energised about what they are doing. One has to enjoy both the journey as well as the end goal.

-Be truthful

People with consistent success have no excuses, no denials, fantasy or fiction. They indulge in constructive self criticism rather than self deluding and finding reasons and excuses for their failures. It is important to remain truthful to yourself as one has to realise that nothing else will make their vision achievable.

-Get in to action

Action can bring the thoughts into reality & that’s the key aspect after you plan. Successful people don’t just sit and think, they spring in to action which is meaningful, consistent, and purposeful and in the positive direction. Remember every step taken in the right direction at the right time, will take you nearer to your goal.


Though it is an era of multi-tasking, it is important to prioritise your task as it will help you in time management with minimum stress and without any compromise on your other social engagements such as family time and other commitments.

-Be a risk taker

Come out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself with something new. Be ready to step into unknown. You might be in for a surprise and discover those hidden and hitherto unknown talents that you possess.

-Be Flexible

In spite of taking all the right decisions and best approach, sometimes things do not turn out according to your desires and wishes. Be willing to face the failure and to start all over again.

-Create a nucleus

Try to be with people who have similar zest for success or the ones who want you to succeed. With the first group, you can take tips and exchange notes on how to go about achieving your goal. The people who want to see you succeed could be your family and friends, try to bond with them as they are the ones who will continuously encourage you and motivate you to achieve your goal. Surround yourself with them as it is important to have somebody to share your success at the end of the journey.

-Be healthy both physically and mentally

Health is wealth !, I would extent this to “Mental & Physical Health together can help you gain Wealth if used in the right direction at the right time”Try to be healthy as hard work is the key to success. One should be mentally, emotionally and spiritually strong to face the obstacles arising in the arduous journey to the success.